Full Name
Atanacković, Olga
Atanackovič, Olga
Atanacković, O.
Atanacković-Vukmanović, Olga
Atanacković-Vukmanović, O.
Atanackovic, O.
Atanackovic-Vukmanovic, O.
Main Affiliation
Scopus Author ID
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Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
11-Jul-2017FBILI method for multi-level line transferKuzmanovska, O.; Atanacković, Olga ; Faurobert, M.
21-Jan-2017Inference of magnetic fields in inhomogeneous prominencesMilić, I.; Faurobert, M.; Atanacković, Olga 
31-Oct-2014Accelerating NLTE radiative transfer by means of the Forth-and-Back Implicit Lambda Iteration: A two-level atom line formation in 2D Cartesian coordinatesMilić, Ivan; Atanacković, Olga 
41-Jan-2014Fbili method for the two-level atom line formation in media with low velocity fieldsPirković, I.; Atanacković, Olga 
525-Nov-2013Boundary conditions for polarized radiative transfer with incident radiationFaurobert, M.; Milić, I.; Atanacković, Olga 
61-Jan-2011Statistical analysis of langmuir waves associated with type III radio bursts: I. wind observationsVidojević, S.; Zaslavsky, A.; Maksimović, M.; Dražić, Milan ; Atanacković, Olga 
71-Mar-2010The use of iteration factors in the solution of the NLTE line transfer problem-II. Multilevel atomKuzmanovska-Barandovska, O.; Atanacković, Olga 
81-Aug-2008Accretion disk in the massive binary RY ScutiDjurašević, G.; Vince, I.; Atanacković, Olga 
91-Dec-2006A photometric study of the contact binaries: XY Leo, EE Cet and AQ PscDjurašević, Gojko; Dimitrov, Dinko; Arbutina, Bojan ; Albayrak, Berahitdin; Selam, Selim Osman; Atanacković, Olga 
101-Jan-2005A photometric study of eclipsing binary V351 PegasiAlbayrak, B.; Djurašević, G.; Selam, S. O.; Atanacković, Olga ; Yilmaz, M.
111-Jan-1994The use of iteration factors in the solution of the NLTE line transfer problem-I. Two-level atomAtanacković, Olga ; Simonneau, E.
121-Jan-1987Resonance line transfer and transport of excited atoms-III. Self-consistent solutions (2)Atanacković, Olga ; Borsenberger, J.; Oxenius, J.; Simonneau, E.