Full Name
Stanić, Zoran
Stanić, Z.
Stanic, Z.
Scopus Author ID
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Results 41-60 of 129 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
412022Controllability of NEPSes of graphsFarrugia, Alexander; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M21
422022On cospectral oriented graphs and cospectral signed graphsStanić, Zoran M21
432022A Sylvester-Kac matrix type and the Laplacian controllability of half graphsAndelic, Milica; da Fonseca, Carlos M; Kilic, Emrah; Stanić, Zoran M22
42022Ordering signed graphs with large indexBrunetti, Maurizio; Stanić, Zoran M22
52022Signed graphs with two eigenvalues and vertex degree fiveStanić, Zoran M22
62022Star complements in signed graphs with two symmetric eigenvaluesStanić, Zoran M23
72022On joins of a clique and a co-clique as star complements in regular graphsYang, Yuhong; Wang, Jianfeng; Huang, Qiongxiang; Stanić, Zoran M22
82022Signed graphs whose spectrum is bounded by −2Rowlinson, Peter; Stanić, Zoran M21a
92022Star complements for ±2 in signed graphsMulas, Raffaella; Stanić, Zoran 
102022Signed (0,2)-graphs with few eigenvalues and a symmetric spectrumGreaves, Gary R.W.; Stanić, Zoran M22
112022Unbalanced signed graphs with extremal spectral radius or indexBrunetti, Maurizio; Stanić, Zoran M21
122022Signed graphs with at most three eigenvaluesRamezani, Farzaneh; Rowlinson, Peter; Stanić, Zoran M23
132022Some Relations Between the Skew Spectrum of an Oriented Graph and the Spectrum of Certain Closely Associated Signed GraphsStanić, Zoran M23
142022Some Upper Bounds for the Net Laplacian Index of a Signed GraphRamezani, Farzaneh; Stanić, Zoran M23
152022More on Signed Graphs with at Most Three EigenvaluesRamezani, Farzaneh; Rowlinson, Peter; Stanić, Zoran M22
162022Some Properties of the Eigenvalues of the Net Laplacian Matrix of a Signed GraphStanić, Zoran M22
171-Nov-2021Connected non-complete signed graphs which have symmetric spectrum but are not sign-symmetricStanić, Zoran 
181-Jan-2021An upper bound for the Laplacian index of a signed graphRamezani, Farzaneh; Stanić, Zoran M51
191-Jan-2021A note on a walk-based inequality for the index of a signed graphStanić, Zoran M51
201-Jan-2021On spectral radius of signed graphs without negative even cyclesStanić, Zoran ; Vijayakumar, AmbatM23