Full Name
Stanić, Zoran
Stanić, Z.
Stanic, Z.
Scopus Author ID
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Results 21-40 of 136 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
212024Regular graphs with a cycle as a star complementStanić, Zoran 
222024Controllable multi-agent systems modeled by graphs with exactly one repeated degreeAlshamary, Bader; Anđelić, Milica; Doliićanin, Edin; Stanić, Zoran M21a
232024Connected graphs of fixed order and size with minimal spectral radiusKostić, Kristina ; Dražić, Zorica ; Savić, Aleksandar ; Stanić, Zoran 
42024Net Laplacian eigenvalues of certain corona-like products of signed graphsShamsher, Tahir; Pirzada, S.; Stanić, Zoran 
515-Dec-2023Estimating distance between an eigenvalue of a signed graph and the spectrum of an induced subgraphStanić, Zoran M22
61-Nov-2023Relations between the skew spectrum of an oriented graph and the spectrum of an associated signed graphStanić, Zoran M21
71-Sep-2023Determination of particular double starlike trees by the Laplacian spectrumStanić, Zoran М21
81-Jul-2023Notes on upper bounds for the largest eigenvalue based on edge-decompositions of a signed graphStanić, Zoran M23
91-Jun-2023The polynomial reconstruction problem: The first 50 yearsSciriha, Irene; Stanić, Zoran M22
101-Mar-2023A complete characterization of graphs with exactly two positive eigenvaluesDuan, Fang; Huang, Qiongxiang X.; Huang, Xueyi Y.; Stanić, Zoran ; Wang, Jianfeng F.M22
111-Feb-2023Chain graphs with simple Laplacian eigenvalues and their Laplacian dynamicsAlazemi, Abdullah; Anđelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M21
121-Feb-2023An extended eigenvalue-free interval for the eccentricity matrix of threshold graphsAnđelić, Milica; Fonseca, Carlos M.da; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M21a
131-Jan-2023Signed graphs with integral net Laplacian spectrumAnđelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran ; Wang, J.M22
141-Jan-2023Total graph of a signed graphBelardo, Francesco; Stanić, Zoran ; Zaslavsky, ThomasM22
151-Jan-2023Walks and eigenvalues of signed graphsStanić, Zoran 
161-Jan-2023Signed graphs whose all Laplacian eigenvalues are mainAnđelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M22
172023Rank of signed cactiStanić, Zoran 
182023On graphs with small ranks: Old and new resultsLi, Shu; Stanić, Zoran ; Wang, Jianfeng
192022Correction to: Bounds on Signless Laplacian Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian GraphsAnđelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran 
202022Notes on Johnson and Hamming signed graphsTamara Koledin; Stanić, Zoran M23