Full Name
Stanić, Zoran
Stanić, Z.
Stanic, Z.
Scopus Author ID
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Results 101-120 of 135 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1011-Apr-2017Distance spectrum and energy of graphs with small diameterAndelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran 
1021-Jan-2017Lexicographic polynomials of graphs and their spectraCardoso, Domingos M.; Carvalho, Paula; Rama, Paula; Simić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
10315-Jul-2016Polynomial reconstruction of signed graphsSimić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
1041-Jan-2016Reflexive cacti: a surveyMihailovic, Bojana; Rasajski, Marija; Stanić, Zoran 
1051-Jan-2016Polynomial reconstruction of signed graphs whose least eigenvalue is close to -2Simić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
10615-Jul-2015Non-bipartite graphs of fixed order and size that minimize the least eigenvalueJovović, Ivana; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran 
1071-Jan-2015Inequalities for graph eigenvaluesStanić, Zoran 
10831-Mar-2014Further results on controllable graphsStanić, Zoran 
1091-Feb-2014Reflexive bipartite regular graphsKoledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran 
1101-Jan-2014Controllability of multi-agent dynamical systems with a broadcasting control signalYoon, Myung Gon; Rowlinson, Peter; Cvetković, Dragoš; Stanić, Zoran 
1111-Jan-2014Spectral distances of graphs based on their different matrix representationsJovanović, Irena; Stanić, Zoran 
1123-Dec-2013Some spectral inequalities for triangle-free regular graphsKoledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran 
11322-Oct-2013Regular graphs with small second largest eigenvalueKoledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran 
11431-Jan-2013Regular bipartite graphs with three distinct non-negative eigenvaluesKoledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran 
1151-Jan-2013Sharp spectral inequalities for connected bipartite graphs with maximal Q-indexAndelić, Milica; Da Fonseca, C. M.; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran 
1161-Jan-2013Regular graphs whose second largest eigenvalue is at most 1Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran 
1171-Jan-2013Graphs with small spectral gapStanić, Zoran 
1181-Oct-2012Some graphs whose second largest eigenvalue does not exceed √2Stanić, Zoran 
1191-Mar-2012Spectral distances of graphsJovanović, Irena; Stanić, Zoran 
1201-Jan-2012Nested graphs with bounded second largest (Signless Laplacian) eigenvalueAndelíc, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran