Full Name
Obradović, Marko
Obradović, M.
Obradovic, M.
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Results 21-35 of 35 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
212018Patterns of Abundance and Host Specificity of Bat Ectoparasites in the Central BalkansBurazerovic, J; Orlova, M; Obradović, Marko ; Cirovic, D; Tomanovic, S
221-Dec-2016Characterization based symmetry tests and their asymptotic efficienciesMilošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko 
231-Dec-2016New class of exponentiality tests based on U-empirical Laplace transformMilošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko 
242-Apr-2016Two-dimensional Kolmogorov-type goodness-of-fit tests based on characterisations and their asymptotic efficienciesMilošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko 
251-Jan-2016Some characterizations of the exponential distribution based on order statisticsMilošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko 
261-Jan-2016Some characterization based exponentiality tests and their bahadur efficienciesMilošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko 
271-Oct-2015Tests of exponentiality based on Arnold-Villasenor characterization and their efficienciesJovanović, Milan ; Milošević, Bojana ; Nikitin, Ya Yu; Obradović, Marko ; Volkova, K. YuM21
283-Sep-2015Goodness-of-fit tests for Pareto distribution based on a characterization and their asymptoticsObradović, Marko ; Jovanović, Milan ; Milošević, Bojana M21
291-Jan-2015On asymptotic efficiency of goodness of fit tests for Pareto distribution based on characterizationsObradović, Marko 
301-Jan-2015Estimation of P{X ≤ Y} for geometric-Poisson modelObradović, Marko ; Jovanović, Milan ; Milošević, Bojana ; Jevremović, VesnaM23
112015Statistical analysis of the influence of major tributaries to the eco-chemical status of the Danube RiverIlijević, Konstantin; Obradović, Marko ; Jevremović, Vesna; Gržetić, Ivan
121-Jan-2014Optimal unbiased estimates of P{X < Y} for some families of distributionsObradović, Marko ; Jovanović, Milan ; Milošević, Bojana M51
132013Optimal unbiased estimates of P {X < Y }Obradović, Marko H. ; Milošević, Bojana ; Jovanović, Milan 
141-Oct-2012Bertrand's paradox: Is there anything else?Jevremovic, Vesna; Obradović, Marko 
151-Jan-2007Spectral analysis of the "Koshava" windUnkašević, M.; Tošić, I.; Obradović, Marko