Full Name
Urošević, Dejan
Urošević, D.
Uroševic, D.
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Results 61-80 of 81 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
611-Jan-2011Observations of the galaxy NGC 3077 in the narrowband [S II] and Hα filtersAndjelić, J. M.; Stavrev, K.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Ilić, Dragana ; Urošević, Dejan 
28-Oct-2010The orthogonal fitting procedure for determination of the empirical ∑-D relations for supernova remnants: Application to starburst galaxy M82Urošević, Dejan ; Vukotić, B.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Sarevska, M.
31-Jan-2010Spectral indices of radio loopsJovanović, V. Borka; Urošević, Dejan 
41-Dec-2009Optical observations of M81 galaxy group in narrow band [SII] and Hα filters: Holmberg IXArbutina, Bojan ; Ilić, Dragana ; Stavrev, K.; Urošević, Dejan ; Vukotić, B.; Onić, D.
51-Sep-2009The ∑ - D analysis of recently detected radio planetary nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds (Research Note)Vukotić, B.; Urošević, Dejan ; Filipović, M. D.; Payne, J. L.
61-Aug-2009The Monoceros radio loop: Temperature, brightness, spectral index, and distanceBorka Jovanović, V.; Urošević, Dejan 
71-Feb-2009The ∑ - D relation for planetary nebulaeUrošević, Dejan ; Vukotić, B.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Ilić, Dragana ; Filipović, M.; Bojičić, I.; Šegan, S.; Vidojević, S.
81-Dec-2008Optical spectra of radio planetary nebulae in the large magellanic cloudPayne, J. L.; Filipović, M. D.; Millar, W. C.; Crawford, E. J.; De Horta, A. Y.; Stootman, F. H.; Urošević, Dejan 
91-Dec-2008The analysis of the possible thermal emission at radio frequencies from an evolved supernova remnant HB 3 (G132.7+1.3): RevisitedOnić, D.; Urošević, Dejan 
101-May-2008The brightness of the galactic radio loops at 1420 MHz: Some indications for the existence of Loops V and VIBorka, V.; Milogradov-Turin, J.; Urošević, Dejan 
111-Apr-2008Radial dependence of extinction in parent galaxies of supernovaeOnić, D.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Urošević, Dejan 
121-Jun-2007The ∑ - D relation for planetary nebulae: Preliminary analysisUrošević, Dejan ; Vukotić, B.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Ilić, Dragana 
131-Apr-2007On the magnetic field evolution in shell-like supernova remnantsVukotić, B.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Urošević, Dejan 
1420-Jan-2007An analysis of the broadband (22-3900 MHz) radio spectrum of HB 3 (G132.7+1.3): The detection of thermal radio emission from an evolved supernova remnant?Urošević, Dejan ; Pannuti, T. G.; Leahy, D.
151-Aug-2006High supernova rate and enhanced star-formation triggered in M81-M82 encounterArbutina, Bojan ; Urošević, Dejan ; Vukotić, B.
161-Jan-2006Radio astronomy in Serbia: A short reviewUrošević, Dejan 
1711-Jun-2005∑-D relation for supernova remnants and its dependence on the density of the interstellar mediumArbutina, Bojan ; Urošević, Dejan 
181-Jan-2005Thermal emission at radio frequencies from supernova remnants and a modified theoretical ∑-D relationUrošević, Dejan ; Pannuti, Thomas G.
191-Jan-2005The ∑-D relation for supernova remnants in nearby galaxiesUrošević, Dejan ; Pannuti, T. G.; Duric, N.; Theodorou, A.
201-May-2004L-D dependence for supernova remnants and its connection with the σ-D relationArbutina, Bojan ; Urošević, Dejan ; Stanković, M.; Tešić, Lj