Numerical Mathematics and Optimization

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Numerical Mathematics and Optimization

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 51-100 of 263 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
512022Metaheuristički pristup za rešavanje problema p-next centraTasić, Jelena ; Dražić, Zorica ; Stanimirović, Zorica 
522022Notes on the Polynomial Reconstruction of Signed GraphsStanić, Zoran M21
532022Controllability of NEPSes of graphsFarrugia, Alexander; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M21
542022A variable neighborhood search algorithm for the (r∣ p) hub–centroid problem under the price warČvokić, Dimitrije D.; Kochetov, Yury A.; Plyasunov, Aleksandr V.; Savić, Aleksandar M21
552022On cospectral oriented graphs and cospectral signed graphsStanić, Zoran M21
562022A Sylvester-Kac matrix type and the Laplacian controllability of half graphsAndelic, Milica; da Fonseca, Carlos M; Kilic, Emrah; Stanić, Zoran M22
572022Mathematical formulations and solution methods for the uncapacitated r-allocation p-hub maximal covering problemStančić, Olivera; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Todosijević, Raca; Mišković, Stefan M22
582022Saddle Point Optimality Criteria and Duality for Convex Continuous-Time Programming ProblemJović, Aleksandar ; Marinković, BobanM22
592022Ordering signed graphs with large indexBrunetti, Maurizio; Stanić, Zoran M22
602022Signed graphs with two eigenvalues and vertex degree fiveStanić, Zoran M22
612022New optimality criteria for convex continuous-time problems of vectorJović, Aleksandar ; Marinković, BobanM21
622022A Multi-objective variable neighborhood search for the maximal covering location problem with customer preferencesMrkela, Lazar; Stanimirović, Zorica M21
632022Star complements in signed graphs with two symmetric eigenvaluesStanić, Zoran M23
642022On joins of a clique and a co-clique as star complements in regular graphsYang, Yuhong; Wang, Jianfeng; Huang, Qiongxiang; Stanić, Zoran M22
652022Signed graphs whose spectrum is bounded by −2Rowlinson, Peter; Stanić, Zoran M21a
662022Star complements for ±2 in signed graphsMulas, Raffaella; Stanić, Zoran 
672022Signed (0,2)-graphs with few eigenvalues and a symmetric spectrumGreaves, Gary R.W.; Stanić, Zoran M22
682022Unbalanced signed graphs with extremal spectral radius or indexBrunetti, Maurizio; Stanić, Zoran M21
692022Signed graphs with at most three eigenvaluesRamezani, Farzaneh; Rowlinson, Peter; Stanić, Zoran M23
702022Some Relations Between the Skew Spectrum of an Oriented Graph and the Spectrum of Certain Closely Associated Signed GraphsStanić, Zoran M23
712022Some Upper Bounds for the Net Laplacian Index of a Signed GraphRamezani, Farzaneh; Stanić, Zoran M23
722022More on Signed Graphs with at Most Three EigenvaluesRamezani, Farzaneh; Rowlinson, Peter; Stanić, Zoran M22
732022Some Properties of the Eigenvalues of the Net Laplacian Matrix of a Signed GraphStanić, Zoran M22
741-Nov-2021Connected non-complete signed graphs which have symmetric spectrum but are not sign-symmetricStanić, Zoran 
751-Jan-2021A finite-difference scheme for a linear multi-term fractional-in-time differential equation with concentrated capacitiesDelić, Aleksandra ; Živanović, Sandra ; Jeknić, Zorica MilovanovićM21
761-Jan-2021Complexity Indices for the Traveling Salesman Problem ContinuedCvetković, Dragoš; Dražić, Zorica ; Kovačević-Vujčić, VeraM24
771-Jan-2021An upper bound for the Laplacian index of a signed graphRamezani, Farzaneh; Stanić, Zoran M51
781-Jan-2021A note on a walk-based inequality for the index of a signed graphStanić, Zoran M51
791-Jan-2021On spectral radius of signed graphs without negative even cyclesStanić, Zoran ; Vijayakumar, AmbatM23
801-Jan-2021Signed Graphs with totally disconnected Star ComplementsStanić, Zoran M23
811-Jan-2021Eigenvalue-free intervals of distance matrices of threshold and chain graphsAlazemi, Abdullah; Anđelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M21
821-Jan-2021Lower bounds for the algebraic connectivity of graphs with specified subgraphsStanić, Zoran M51
832021Inequalities for laplacian eigenvalues of signed graphs with given frustration numberAnđelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M22
842021Upper Bounds for the Largest Singular Value of Certain Digraph MatricesStanić, Zoran M21
852021The main vertices of a star set and related graph parametersAnđelić, Milica; Cardoso, Domingos M.; Simić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran M22
862021Population-based Metaheuristics for the Dynamic Minimum Cost Hybrid Berth Allocation ProblemKovač, Nataša; Davidović, Tatjana; Stanimirović, Zorica M23
872021Dvokriterijumski dinamički problem maksimalnog pokrivanja lokacijaMrkela, Lazar; Stanimirović, Zorica 
882021Fat-tailed distributions for continuous VNSDražić, Zorica 
892021Bounds on Signless Laplacian Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian GraphsAnđelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M22
902021On graphs whose second largest eigenvalue is at most 1Liu, Muhuo; Chen, Chaohui; Stanić, Zoran M22
912021Laplacian Controllability for Graphs with Integral Laplacian SpectrumStanić, Zoran M21
922021Some New General Lower Bounds for Mixed Metric Dimension of GraphsDanas, Milica Milivojević; Kratica, Jozef; Savić, Aleksandar ; Maksimović, Zoran Lj
932021Notes on Hamiltonian threshold and chain graphsAndelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M21
942021Metaheuristic approaches to a vehicle scheduling problem in sugar beet transportationAnokić, Ana; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Stakić, Đorđe; Davidović, Tatjana
952021Signed graphs with three eigenvalues: Biregularity and beyondRowlinson, Peter; Stanić, Zoran M21
961-Dec-2020Main Eigenvalues of Real Symmetric Matrices with Application to Signed GraphsStanić, Zoran 
971-Dec-2020Star complementary strongly regular decompositions of strongly regular graphsStanić, Zoran 
9815-Oct-2020Net Laplacian controllability for joins of signed graphsStanić, Zoran 
9915-Oct-2020Oriented graphs whose skew spectral radius does not exceed 2Stanić, Zoran 
1001-Oct-2020Finite difference approximation of a generalized time-fractional telegraph equationDelić, Aleksandra ; Jovanović, Boško S.; Živanović, Sandra