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OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 251-300 of 322 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
2511-Aug-2009Long-term variability of the broad Hα and Hβ emission-line profiles of NGC 4151Ilić, Dragana ; Shapovalova, A. I.; Popović, L. Č; Burenkov, A. N.; Chavushyan, V. H.; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Bochkarev, N. G.; León-Tavares, J.
2521-Aug-2009The Monoceros radio loop: Temperature, brightness, spectral index, and distanceBorka Jovanović, V.; Urošević, Dejan 
25320-Jul-2009Plasma properties of the broad line emitting region in active galactic nucleiIlić, Dragana ; Popović, L. Č; Ciroi, S.; La Mura, G.; Rafanelli, P.
2541-Jul-2009Long-term variability of the Broad Emission Line profiles in AGNShapovalova, A. I.; Popović, L. Č; Bochkarev, N. G.; Burenkov, A. N.; Chavushyan, V. H.; Collin, S.; Doroshenko, V. T.; Ilić, Dragana ; Kovačević, Anđelka 
2551-Jul-2009Hydrogen Balmer emission lines and the complex broad line region structureLa Mura, G.; Di Mille, F.; Popović, L. Č; Ciroi, S.; Rafanelli, P.; Ilić, Dragana 
2561-Jul-2009Stark broadening of spectral lines in chemically peculiar stars: Te I lines and recent calculations for trace elementsSimić, Zoran; Dimitrijević, Milan S.; Kovačević, Anđelka 
2571-Jul-2009The line parameters and ratios as the physical probe of the line emitting regions in AGNIlić, Dragana ; Kovačević, J.; Popović, L. Č
2581-Jul-2009The project of Serbian Virtual Observatory and data for stellar atmosphere modelingJevremović, D.; Dimitrijević, M. S.; Popović, L. Č; Dačić, M.; Protić Benišek, V.; Bon, E.; Gavrilović, N.; Kovačević, J.; Benišek, V.; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Ilić, Dragana ; Sahal-Bréchot, S.; Tsvetkova, K.; Simić, Z.; Malović, M.
2591-Feb-2009The ∑ - D relation for planetary nebulaeUrošević, Dejan ; Vukotić, B.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Ilić, Dragana ; Filipović, M.; Bojičić, I.; Šegan, S.; Vidojević, S.
2601-Jan-2009Possible solution to the problem of the extreme mass ratio W UMa-type binariesArbutina, Bojan 
2611-Jan-2009Plasma diagnostics in the broad line region of active galactic nuclei using emission linesIlić, Dragana 
2621-Dec-2008Temperature diagnostics of the broad line region in Active Galactic NucleiiIlić, Dragana ; Popović, L. Č; Ciroi, S.; Rafanelli, P.
2631-Dec-2008Optical spectra of radio planetary nebulae in the large magellanic cloudPayne, J. L.; Filipović, M. D.; Millar, W. C.; Crawford, E. J.; De Horta, A. Y.; Stootman, F. H.; Urošević, Dejan 
2641-Dec-2008The analysis of the possible thermal emission at radio frequencies from an evolved supernova remnant HB 3 (G132.7+1.3): RevisitedOnić, D.; Urošević, Dejan 
26522-Oct-2008Stark broadening of O v 1371 Å line in stellar atmospheresDimitrijević, Milan S.; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Simić, Zoran; Dačič, Miodrag
2661-Aug-2008Accretion disk in the massive binary RY ScutiDjurašević, G.; Vince, I.; Atanacković, Olga 
2671-Jul-2008Long-term variability of the optical spectra of NGC 4151. I. Light curves and flux correlationsShapovalova, A. I.; Popović, L. C.; Collin, S.; Burenkov, An; Chavushyan, V. H.; Bochkarev, N. G.; Benítez, E.; Dultzin, D.; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Borisov, N.; Carrasco, L.; León-Tavares, J.; Mercado, A.; Valdes, J. R.; Vlasuyk, V. V.; Zhdanova, V. E.
2681-May-2008The brightness of the galactic radio loops at 1420 MHz: Some indications for the existence of Loops V and VIBorka, V.; Milogradov-Turin, J.; Urošević, Dejan 
2691-Apr-2008On stark broadening of Mn II lines in Ap-star conditionsSimić, Z.; Dimitrijević, M. S.; Popović, L. Č; Dačić, M.; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Sahal-Bréchot, S.
2701-Apr-2008On the Stark broadening of Te I spectral lines for CP star plasma analysisDimitrijević, M. S.; Simić, Z.; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Dačić, M.; Sahal-Bréchot, S.
2711-Apr-2008Radial dependence of extinction in parent galaxies of supernovaeOnić, D.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Urošević, Dejan 
2721-Apr-2008Orbits of 11 visual binary starsCvetković, Z.; Novaković, Bojan ; Todorović, N.
2731-Feb-2008Stark broadening and hfs of Mn IIPopović, Luka Č; Dimitrijević, Milan S.; Simić, Zoran; Dačić, Miodrag; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Sahal-Bréchot, Sylvie
2741-Jan-2008Some aspects of asteroid mass determinationKovačević, Anđelka 
2751-Jan-2008Stark broadening of neutral tellurium spectral lines in white dwarf atmospheresDimitrijević, Milan S.; Simić, Zoran; Kovačević, Anđelka ; DačIć, Miodrag; Sahal-BréChot, Sylvie
2761-Jan-2008Spectroscopical investigations of extragalactic objects at astronomical observatory (period 2006-2007)Popović, Luka C.; Kovačević, Jelena; Ilić, Dragana 
2771-Jan-2008Probing the physical properties of the NGC 5548 broad line region using balmer linesPopović, Luka Č; Shapovalova, Alla I.; Chavushyan, Vahram H.; Ilić, Dragana ; Burenkov, Alexandr N.; Mercado, Abelardo; Bochkarev, Nikolay G.
2781-Jan-2008CCD measurements of double and multiple stars at NAO RozhenCvetković, Zorica; Pavlović, Rade; Strigachev, Anton; Novaković, Bojan 
2791-Jan-2008On the stark broadening of Cr II 3d<sup>5</sup>-3d<sup>4</sup> 4p spectral lines in hot star spectraSimic, Zoran; Dimitrijevic, Milan S.; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Dacic, Miodrag
28014-Dec-2007Radial dependence of extinction in parent galaxies of supernovaeArbutina, Bojan 
28114-Dec-2007Detailed analysis of balmer lines in a selected sample of 90 broad line AGNLa Mura, Giovanni; Popović, Luka Č; Ciroi, Stefano; Rafanelli, Piero; Ilić, Dragana 
28214-Dec-2007Physical properties of the BLR of AGN: Boltzmann-plot vs. CLOUDY modelsIlić, Dragana ; Popović, Luka Č; Ciroi, Stefano; La Mura, Giovanni; Rafanelli, Piero
28310-Dec-2007Detailed analysis of Balmer lines in a Sloan Digital Sky Survey sample of 90 broad-line active galactic nucleiLa Mura, G.; Popović, L. Č; Ciroi, S.; Rafanelli, P.; Ilić, Dragana 
2841-Dec-2007Simulations of the broad line region of NGC 5548 with cloudy code: Temperature determinationIlić, Dragana 
2851-Dec-2007Orbits of five visual binary starsNovaković, Bojan 
2861-Jul-2007Constraints on the massive supernova progenitorsArbutina, Bojan 
2871-Jun-2007The ∑ - D relation for planetary nebulae: Preliminary analysisUrošević, Dejan ; Vukotić, B.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Ilić, Dragana 
2881-Jun-2007Orbits of ten visual binary starsNovaković, Bojan 
2891-Jun-2007Citation of the Serbian Astronomical Journal and its comparison with other journals in astronomy and astrophysicsArbutina, Bojan 
2901-Jun-2007CCD measurements of double and multiple stars at Nao Rozhen. IIICvetković, Z.; Pavlović, R.; Strigachev, A.; Novaković, Bojan ; Popović, G. M.
29111-May-2007The flux ratio of the [OIII] λ λ 4959, 5007 Å lines in AGNDimitrijević, Milan S.; Kovačević, Jelena; Popović, Luka Č; Dačić, Miodrag; Ilić, Dragana 
2921-Apr-2007On the magnetic field evolution in shell-like supernova remnantsVukotić, B.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Urošević, Dejan 
29320-Jan-2007An analysis of the broadband (22-3900 MHz) radio spectrum of HB 3 (G132.7+1.3): The detection of thermal radio emission from an evolved supernova remnant?Urošević, Dejan ; Pannuti, T. G.; Leahy, D.
2941-Jan-2007The flux ratio of the [O III] λλ5007, 4959 lines in AGN: Comparison with theoretical calculationsDimitrijević, M. S.; Popovič, L. Č; Kovačevič, J.; Dačić, M.; Ilić, Dragana 
2951-Jan-2007The minimum mass ratio of W UMa-type binary systemsArbutina, Bojan 
2961-Dec-2006Plasma diagnostics in the active galactic nuclei environmentCiroi, S.; La Mura, G.; Popović, L. Č; Ilić, Dragana ; Rafanelli, P.
2971-Dec-2006A photometric study of the contact binaries: XY Leo, EE Cet and AQ PscDjurašević, Gojko; Dimitrov, Dinko; Arbutina, Bojan ; Albayrak, Berahitdin; Selam, Selim Osman; Atanacković, Olga 
2981-Nov-2006Stratification in the broad line region of AGN: The two-component modelBon, E.; Popović, L. Č; Ilić, Dragana ; Mediavilla, E.
2991-Aug-2006Astronomy in Serbia and in MontenegroAtanacković, Olga 
3001-Aug-2006High supernova rate and enhanced star-formation triggered in M81-M82 encounterArbutina, Bojan ; Urošević, Dejan ; Vukotić, B.