Full Name
Stanić, Zoran
Stanić, Z.
Stanic, Z.
Scopus Author ID
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Results 1-20 of 130 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
115-May-2025Cubic and quartic net-regular strongly regular signed graphsAnđelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M23
21-Mar-2025Two classes of graphs determined by the signless Laplacian spectrumYe, Jiachang; Liu, Muhuo; Stanić, Zoran М21
31-Feb-2025Laplacian eigenvalues of weighted threshold graphsAndelic, Milica; Stanić, Zoran М21
41-Jan-2025Net Laplacian spectrum of some products built on the simple corona of a signed graphPirzada, S.; Riyaz Ul Rashid, Mir; Stanić, Zoran 
52025The Characteristic Polynomial of the Laplacian Matrix of a Rooted Balanced k -Ary TreeStanić, Zoran M23
61-Jul-2024Spectral characterization of the complete graph removing a cycleLiu, Muhuo; Gu, Xiaofeng; Shan, Haiying; Stanić, Zoran M21
71-Jul-2024Graphs with large multiplicity of −2 in the spectrum of the eccentricity matrixGao, Xing; Stanić, Zoran ; Wang, JianfengM22
81-May-2024Strong star complements in graphsAnđelić, Milica; Rowlinson, Peter; Stanić, Zoran M21
91-Feb-2024On the order of antipodal coversWang, Jianfeng; Zhang, Wenqian; Wang, Yiqiao; Stanić, Zoran M22
101-Jan-2024Primitive Diameter 2-Critical GraphsRadosavljević, Jovan; Stanić, Zoran ; Živković, Miodrag
111-Jan-2024Computing the determinant of a signed graphAlshamary, Bader; Stanić, Zoran M21
121-Jan-2024Relationships between net regularity, strong regularity and walk regularity of signed graphsAnđelić, Milica; Koledin, Tamara; Stanić, Zoran M22
131-Jan-2024Variable neighbourhood search for connected graphs of fixed order and size with minimal spectral radiusKostić, Kristina ; Dražić, Zorica ; Savić, Aleksandar ; Stanić, Zoran M23
141-Jan-2024Connected (K<inf>4</inf>−e)-free graphs whose second largest eigenvalue does not exceed 1Liu, Muhuo; Chen, Chaohui; Stanić, Zoran M22
151-Jan-2024The Complete Classification of Graphs whose Second Largest Eigenvalue of the Eccentricity Matrix is Less Than 1Wang, Jian Feng; Lei, Xing Yu; Li, Shu Chao; Stanić, Zoran M23
161-Jan-2024Linear ternary codes of strongly regular signed graphsStanić, Zoran M22
171-Jan-2024Laplacian eigenvalues and eigenspaces of cographs generated by finite sequenceMandal, Santanu; Mehatari, Ranjit; Stanić, Zoran M23
182024Spectra of signed graphs and related oriented graphsStanić, Zoran M22
192024On minimum rank of graphs with given dominating induced subgraphsStanić, Zoran 
202024Spectra of subdivisions of signed graphs, signed $R$-graphs and related productsRashid, Mir Riyaz ul; Pirzada,Shariefuddin; Shamsher, Tahir; Stanić, Zoran M23