Full Name
Stanić, Zoran
Stanić, Z.
Stanic, Z.
Scopus Author ID
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Results 121-135 of 135 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
1211-Jan-2012The nested split graphs whose second largest eigenvalue is equal to 1Milatović, Marko; Stanić, Zoran 
1221-Dec-2011Controllable graphsCvetković, Dragoš; Rowlinson, Peter; Stanić, Zoran ; Yoon, Myung Gon
1231-Oct-2011Controllable graphs with least eigenvalue at least -2Cvetković, Dragoš; Rowlinson, Peter; Stanić, Zoran ; Yoon, Myung Gon
1241-Jul-2011Some notes on spectra of cographsBiyikoglu, Turker; Simic, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
1251-Jul-2010On regular graphs and coronas whose second largest eigenvalue does not exceed 1Stanić, Zoran 
1261-Jun-2010Spectral determination of graphs whose components are paths and cyclesCvetković, Dragoš; Simić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
1271-Apr-2010On Q-integral (3, s)-semiregular bipartite graphsSimić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
1281-Nov-2009On determination of caterpillars with four terminal vertices by their Laplacian spectrumStanić, Zoran 
1291-Jul-2009On some forests determined by their Laplacian or signless Laplacian spectrumSimić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
13015-Apr-2009On nested split graphs whose second largest eigenvalue is less than 1Stanić, Zoran 
1311-Jan-2009Some results on Q-integral graphsStanić, Zoran 
13228-Oct-2008Q-integral graphs with edge-degrees at most fiveSimić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
13315-Apr-2008On the polynomial reconstruction of graphs whose vertex-deleted subgraphs have spectra bounded from below by -2Simić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
13415-Jan-2007On graphs whose second largest eigenvalue equals 1 - the star complement techniqueStanić, Zoran 
1351-Jan-2007The polynomial reconstruction of unicyclic graphs is uniqueSimić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran