Full Name
Kadelburg, Zoran
Kadelburg, Z.
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Results 61-80 of 129 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
612014A hybrid common fixed point theorem under certain recent propertiesKadelburg, Zoran ; Chauhan, Sunny; Imdad, Mohammad
622014Fixed points of contractive mappings in b-metric-like spacesHussain, Nawab; Roshan, Jamal Rezaei; Parvaneh, Vahid; Kadelburg, Zoran 
636-Dec-2013A note on various classes of compatible-type pairs of mappings and common fixed point theoremsKadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan; Shahzad, Naseer
641-Dec-2013Fixed point theorems for mappings with common limit range property satisfying generalized (ψ,φ)-weak contractive conditionsImdad, Mohammad; Chauhan, Sunny; Kadelburg, Zoran 
6527-Nov-2013Coincidence and fixed point results under generalizedweakly contractive condition in partially ordered G-metric spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan
661-Nov-2013Some common fixed point results in ordered partial b-metric spacesMustafa, Zead; Roshan, Jamal Rezaei; Parvaneh, Vahid; Kadelburg, Zoran 
671-Nov-2013On coupled fixed point results in asymmetric G-metric spacesAgarwal, Ravi P.; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan
6818-Oct-2013A common fixed point theorem in metric space under general contractive conditionChauhan, Sunny; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Dalal, Sumitra
691-Sep-2013Fixed point results under various contractive conditions in partial metric spacesKadelburg, Zoran ; Nashine, Hemant Kumar; Radenović, Stojan
7026-Jul-2013Fixed point theorems via various cyclic contractive conditions in partial metric spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan
713-May-2013Common fixed point results for generalized quasicontractions in tvs-cone metric spacesDing, Hui Sheng; Jovanović, Mirko; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan
721-May-2013Common fixed point theorems for weakly isotone increasing mappings in ordered partial metric spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan
7318-Apr-2013Nonlinear generalized cyclic contractions in complete G-metric spaces and applications to integral equationsNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
741-Feb-2013Coincidence and fixed point results in ordered G-ǐ metric spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Pathak, R. P.; Radenović, Stojan
751-Jan-2013Fixed points of cyclic weakly (ψ,φ,L,A,B)-contractive mappings in ordered b-metric spaces with applicationsHussain, Nawab; Parvaneh, Vahid; Roshan, Jamal Rezaei; Kadelburg, Zoran 
761-Jan-2013Weaker cyclic (φ, Φ)-contractive mappings with an application to integro-differential equationsNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
771-Dec-2012Suzuki-type fixed point results in metric type spacesHussain, Nawab; Dorić, Dragan; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan
781-Dec-2012Common fixed point theorems for weakly increasing mappings on ordered orbitally complete metric spacesDing, Hui Sheng; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Nashine, Hemant Kumar
791-Dec-2012Implicit-relation-type cyclic contractive mappings and applications to integral equationsNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Kumam, Poom
801-Dec-2012Common fixed points of ordered g-quasicontractions and weak contractions in ordered metric spacesGolubović, Zoran; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan