Full Name
Kadelburg, Zoran
Kadelburg, Z.
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Results 21-40 of 129 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
211-Dec-2017Fixed points of set-valued mappings under generalized contractive conditions in ordered metric spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
221-Dec-2017H<sup>+</sup> -multivalued contractions and their application to homotopy theoryNashine, Hemant Kumar; Agarwal, Ravi P.; Kadelburg, Zoran 
231-Apr-2017Implicit relations related to ordered orbitally complete metric spaces and applicationsNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
241-Jan-2017Rational g-ω-weak contractions and fixed point theorems in 0-σ-complete metric-like spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Gupta, Anita; Kadelburg, Zoran 
251-Jan-2017Existence and convergence results for monotone nonexpansive type mappings in partially ordered hyperbolic metric spacesShukla, Rahul; Pant, Rajendra; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Nashine, Hemant Kumar
261-Jan-2017Fixed points of Ćirić-Matkowski-type contractions in ν -generalized metric spacesAbtahi, Mortaza; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan
271-Jan-201770 years of the mathematical society of SerbiaAndrić, Vojislav; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Marić, Filip ; Mladenović, Pavle 
281-Jan-2017Lagrange’s formula for vector-valued functionsMarjanović, Milosav M.; Kadelburg, Zoran 
291-Jan-2017Fixed point results in b-metric spaces using families of control functions and their application to dynamic programmingKadelburg, Zoran ; Nashine, Hemant Kumar; Padhan, Saroj Kumar; Jagannadha Rao, G. V.V.
301-Jan-2017Remarks on ”some new fixed point theorems for contractive and nonexpansive mappings”Pant, Rajendra; Nashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
311-Jan-2017Existence of solutions of Cantilever Beam problem via (α-β-FG)-contractions in b-metric-like spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
321-Jan-2017Fixed points of α-dominated mappings on dislocated quasi metric spacesArshad, Muhammad; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan; Shoaib, Abdullah; Shukla, Satish
331-Dec-2016A note on the paper ‘Fixed point theorems for cyclic weak contractions in compact metric spaces’Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan; Vujaković, Jelena
341-Dec-2016Fixed point results in C<sup>∗</sup>-algebra-valued metric spaces are direct consequences of their standard metric counterpartsKadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan
351-Sep-2016Fixed points of contractions and cyclic contractions on C*-algebra-valued B-metric spacesKadelburg, Zoran ; Nastasi, Antonella; Radenović, Stojan; Vetro, Pasquale
361-Sep-2016Generalized wardowski type fixed point theorems via α-admissible FG-contractions in b-metric spacesPARVANEH, Vahid; HUSSAIN, Nawab; Kadelburg, Zoran 
1723-Jun-2016New fixed point results in b-rectangular metric spacesRoshan, Jamal Rezaei; Parvaneh, Vahid; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Hussain, Nawab
181-Mar-2016Common fixed point theorems under generalized (Formula presented.) -weakly contractive condition in ordered orbitally complete metric spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
191-Jan-2016Common fixed point theorems for asymptotically regular mappings on ordered orbitally complete metric spaces with an application to systems of integral equationsNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
201-Jan-2016Fixed point results for set-valued cyclic operators under implicit relations and applicationsNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran