Full Name
Stanimirović, Zorica
Stanimirović, Z.
Stanimirovic, Z.
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Results 21-40 of 67 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
211-Mar-2020A single allocation hub location and pricing problemČvokić, Dimitrije D.; Stanimirović, Zorica 
221-Jan-2020Variable neighborhood search based approaches to a vehicle scheduling problem in agricultureAnokić, Ana; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Davidović, Tatjana; Stakić, Đorđe
232020Evolutionary algorithm approach to bi-objective maximal covering location problem with customer preferencesStanimirović, Zorica ; Mrkela, Lazar
241-Jan-2019General Variable Neighborhood Search for Scheduling Heterogeneous Vehicles in AgricultureAnokić, Ana; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Stakić, Đorđe; Davidović, Tatjana
251-Jan-2019Skewed Variable Neighborhood Search Method for the Weighted Generalized Regenerator Location ProblemMrkela, Lazar; Stanimirović, Zorica 
261-Jan-2018Variable neighborhood search methods for the dynamic minimum cost hybrid berth allocation problemKovač, Nataša; Davidović, Tatjana; Stanimirović, Zorica 
271-Jan-2018Metaheuristic approaches for the minimum cost hybrid berth allocation problemKovač, Nataša; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Davidović, Tatjana
284-Dec-2017Elephant herding optimization algorithm for support vector machine parameters tuningTuba, Eva; Stanimirović, Zorica 
291-Dec-2017Novel formulations and VNS-based heuristics for single and multiple allocation p-hub maximal covering problemsJanković, Olivera; Mišković, Stefan ; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Todosijević, Raca
301-Sep-2017Modeling of HILIC retention behavior with theoretical models and new spline interpolation techniqueTumpa, Anja; Mišković, Stefan ; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Jančić-Stojanović, Biljana; Medenica, Mirjana
311-Aug-2017Solving the robust two-stage capacitated facility location problem with uncertain transportation costsMišković, Stefan ; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Grujičić, Igor
321-Apr-2017A general variable neighborhood search for solving the uncapacitated r-allocation p-hub maximal covering problemJanković, Olivera; Stanimirović, Zorica 
331-Apr-2017Variable neighborhood search for optimizing the transportation of agricultural raw materialsAnokić, Ana; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Davidović, Tatjana; Stakić, Đorđe
341-Apr-2017A variable neighbourhood search method for solving the long-term care facility location problemDjenić, Aleksandar; Marić, Miroslav ; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Stanojević, Predrag
351-Jan-2017A hybrid metaheuristic method for the deterministic and robust uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub centre problemMišković, Stefan ; Stanimirović, Zorica 
361-Jan-2017A two-phase optimization method for solving the multi-type maximal covering location problem in emergency service networksStanimirović, Zorica ; Mišković, Stefan ; Trifunović, Darko; Veljović, Veselin
3720-Jan-2016Evolutionary algorithm for the minimum cost hybrid berth allocation problemKovac, Natasa; Davidovic, Tatjana; Stanimirović, Zorica 
3820-Jan-2016Memetic algorithm for the balanced resource location problem with preferencesMišković, Stefan ; Stanimirović, Zorica 
391-Jan-2016Hybrid metaheuristic method for solving a multi-period emergency service location problemMišković, Stefan ; Stanimirović, Zorica 
4017-Apr-2015A hybridization of an evolutionary algorithm and a parallel branch and bound for solving the capacitated single allocation hub location problemStanojević, Predrag; Marić, Miroslav ; Stanimirović, Zorica