Numerical Mathematics and Optimization

Organization name
Numerical Mathematics and Optimization

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 251-263 of 263 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
25128-Oct-2008Q-integral graphs with edge-degrees at most fiveSimić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
25215-Apr-2008On the polynomial reconstruction of graphs whose vertex-deleted subgraphs have spectra bounded from below by -2Simić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
25316-Mar-2008A continuous variable neighborhood search heuristic for finding the three-dimensional structure of a moleculeDražić, Milan ; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Mladenović, Nenad
2541-Nov-2007Genetic algorithms for solving the discrete ordered median problemStanimirović, Zorica ; Kratica, Jozef; Dugošija, Djordje
2551-Oct-2007Two genetic algorithms for solving the uncapacitated single allocation p-hub median problemKratica, Jozef; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Tošić, Dušan; Filipović, Vladimir 
25615-Jan-2007On graphs whose second largest eigenvalue equals 1 - the star complement techniqueStanić, Zoran 
2571-Jan-2007Solving the capacitated single allocation hub location problem using genetic algorithmStanimirović, Zorica 
2581-Jan-2007The polynomial reconstruction of unicyclic graphs is uniqueSimić, Slobodan K.; Stanić, Zoran 
2591-Dec-2006Solving the uncapacitated multiple allocation p-hub center problem by genetic algorithmKratica, Jozef; Stanimirović, Zorica 
2601-Jan-2005Genetic algorithm for solving uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problemKratica, Jozef; Stanimirović, Zorica ; Tošić, Dušan; Filipović, Vladimir 
2611-Jan-1999TABU search methodology in global optimizationKovačević-Vujčić, V. V.; Čangalović, M. M.; Ašić, M. D.; Ivanović, L.; Dražić, Milan 
26216-Oct-1998Modeling and solving a real-life assignment problem at universitiesČangalović, Mirjana; Kovacevic-Vujcic, Vera; Ivanović, Lav; Dražić, Milan 
2631-Jan-1996Tabu search: a brief survey and some real-life applicationsCangalovic, Mirjana M.; Kovacevic-Vujcic, Vera V.; Ivanovic, Lav; Dražić, Milan ; Asic, Miroslav D.