Browsing by Subject Altering distance function

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
27-Nov-2013Coincidence and fixed point results under generalizedweakly contractive condition in partially ordered G-metric spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Radenović, Stojan
1-Jan-2012Common fixed point theorems for a pair of multivalued mappings under weak contractive conditions in ordered metric spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
1-Jan-2014Common fixed point theorems under weakly Hardy-Rogers-type contraction conditions in ordered orbitally complete metric spacesNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
1-Jan-2014Fixed point theorems for weakly T-Chatterjea and weakly T-Kannan contractions in b-metric spacesMustafa, Zead; Roshan, Jamal Rezaei; Parvaneh, Vahid; Kadelburg, Zoran 
1-Jan-2013Fixed points of cyclic weakly (ψ,φ,L,A,B)-contractive mappings in ordered b-metric spaces with applicationsHussain, Nawab; Parvaneh, Vahid; Roshan, Jamal Rezaei; Kadelburg, Zoran 
23-Jun-2016New fixed point results in b-rectangular metric spacesRoshan, Jamal Rezaei; Parvaneh, Vahid; Kadelburg, Zoran ; Hussain, Nawab
1-Jan-2012Nonlinear cyclic weak contractions in G-metric spaces and applications to boundary value problemsNashine, Hemant Kumar; Golubović, Zoran; Kadelburg, Zoran 
18-Apr-2013Nonlinear generalized cyclic contractions in complete G-metric spaces and applications to integral equationsNashine, Hemant Kumar; Kadelburg, Zoran 
1-Nov-2013Some common fixed point results in ordered partial b-metric spacesMustafa, Zead; Roshan, Jamal Rezaei; Parvaneh, Vahid; Kadelburg, Zoran